"Only shallow people don't judge by appearance" Oscar Wilde.
The appearance of a product is like the one of a human face. Not just a skin. We never relate to a face as just a surface. It is obvious that we see an expression of something much deeper and more complex. In Padwa Design we believe passionately that products should be designed that way: from within.
Products have stories, they have souls. They deserve the right face to express it. We spend our days (and nights) in fascinating design journeys in quest of these faces. We are never tired of these journeys, and always curious and impatient to start the next one. You are welcome to share with us your story and product, and we will gladly start our journey with you.
LEARN AND UNDERSTAND get all relevant information from the client. technolity, usability, market context.
OBSERVATIONS learn from the users and define needs and opportunities.
IDEATION concept generation based on given information and observations findings
DESIGN DEVELOPMENT translating all concepts and configurations into three-dimensional design while considering all engineering and functional aspects
PROTOTYPING building mockups and prototypes to test all ergonomic and functional issues (highly iterative process)
FINAL DESIGN implementation of all engineering, functional and aesthetic parameters into the final design ready for industrial production